Plymouth Canton

Dondero High School Marching Band
Royal Oak, Michigan
October 9, 2000

Dondero Marching Band Parents:

On Saturday, October 14, 2000, the Dondero High School Marching Band will
participate in the Great Lakes Invitational held at Plymouth Canton Educational Park.
The contest will begin at 12:15 and includes 28 bands from all over the state. The contest
will end around 10:00. Students will have the choice to go home after the Flight III and
IV awards ceremony, or to stay to the end. I strongly recommend for students to stay
until the end. This will give them a chance to see a lot of the other top bands in the state
(Reeths-Puffer, Mona Shores, Jenison, Milford, and Plymouth just to name a few). This
also means that I will need chaperones to go back with the buses that return in the
afternoon, and chaperones that would be willing to stay to the end. The weather is
supposed to be much nicer than it was in Trenton!

Adult tickets will be sold through Mr. Foreman during the week and on Saturday before
we leave. Tickets are $5.00,and the proceeds help repay the $150.00 entry fee that the band
has to pay for the contest. Checks should be made payable to Dondero Band and
Orchestra Boosters.

The following is the tentative time schedule for Saturday:

9:00 - Rehearsal at Dondero
10:15- Load truck
10:45- Depart for Plymouth
11:30- Arrive at Plymouth, unload
12:00- Home Room Time (get changed, go to the bathroom)
12:45- Warm Up
1:25 - Report to gate
1:30 - Performance
1:45 - Return to home room to put away instruments, eat lunch
2:30 - Watch remaining Flight III performances
3:45 - Awards Ceremony for Flight III & IV
4:15 - Early buses return to Dondero, others stay to watch performances
5:00 - Early buses arrive back at Dondero
10:15- Flight I & II awards
10:45- Load Buses and depart for Dondero
11:30- Arrive back at Dondero

Thank you all for your support in Trenton this past weekend. The band and the staff are
all working hard this week to get the final touches put on our show. This is a very
important show for the band this week. This is one of the biggest competitions in the
state outside of State Championships. It is important that we get a good showing out
there in my hometown!

Tim Foreman
Director of Bands, Dondero HS

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