Lamphere Itinerarie

Dondero High School Marching Band
Royal Oak, Michigan
October 15, 2001

Dondero Marching Band Parents:

On Saturday, October 20, 2001 the Dondero High School Marching Band will
participate in the Lamphere Invitational held at Lamphere High School. The contest will
begin at 3:00 and includes 21 bands in four different flights.

Adults and Student/Senior tickets may purchased for $5.00 and $3.00 respectively
and will be available from Mr.Foreman the week of the competition. Tickets purchased
in advance will help repay the Boosters the $150 registration fee for the contest. If
tickets are purchased from the band, checks should be made payable to Dondero Band
and Orchestra Boosters

The following is the tentative time schedule for Saturday:

10:00- Full Band Rehearsal
12:00- Lunch Break
1:00 - Load truck
1:45 - Depart for Lamphere
2:00 - Arrive at Lamphere, Unload truck
2:30 - Warm Up
3:05 - Report to Gate
3:15 - Performance
4:30 - Watch other FlightIII performances
5:45 - Awards Ceremony for Flights IV and III
6:15 - Load Buses
6:30 - Arrive back at Dondero

Hopefully we can get a large turn out to this show since it is so close to home. It would
be great to have Dondero friends and families fill the stands. This is an important
competition for the group. These last two weeks of the season will determine our
placement overall in Flight III and our chances at going to States.

Hope to see you all there.

Tim Foreman
Director of Bands, Dondero HS

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