Clarkston Itinerarie
(Saturday Sept.30)

Dondero High School Marching Band
Royal Oak, Michigan
September 22, 2000

Dondero Marching Band Parents:

On Saturday, September 30, 2000, the Dondero High School Marching Band will
participate in the Clarkston Invitational held at Clarkston High School. The contest will
begin at 6:30 and includes 9 bands in four different flights. The contest will end around
8:45. Adults may purchase tickets for $5.00 and will be available from Mr. Foreman on
Thursday (at the football game) and Saturday before we leave. Students and Senior
Citizens may purchase tickets at the gate. Tickets purchased in advance will help repay
the Boosters the $150.00 registration fee for the contest. If tickets are purchased from the
band, checks should be made payable to Dondero Band and Orchestra Boosters.

The following is the tentative time schedule for Saturday:

2:00 - Rehearsal at Dondero
4:00 - Load truck, get changed into uniforms
4:30 - Depart for Clarkston
5:15 - Arrive at Clarkston, eat dinner
6:00 - Unload truck
6:30 - Warm Up
7:05 - Report to gate
7:15 - Performance
7:30 - Watch other performances
8:45 - Awards Ceremony
9:00 - Load truck and buses
10:00 - Arrive back at Dondero

This will be our first contest of the 2000 season. The students have been working very
hard to get ready for the performance. It would mean a lot to them to see your support by
attending the contest in Clarkston. Maps to the contest will be available in the band

Hope to see you there !!!

Tim Foreman
Director of Bands, Dondero HS

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