Durand Itinerarie

Dondero High School Marching Band
Royal Oak, Michigan
October 20, 2003

Dondero Marching Band Parents:

On Saturday, October 25, 2003, the Dondero High School Marching Band will
participate in the Durand Band Invitational held at Durand High School.The contest will
begin at 2:00 and includes 22 bands. The contest will end around 9:30.

Adult tickets for the show will be sold through Mr. Foreman during the week and on
Saturday before we leave. Tickets are $6, and the proceeds help repay the $150 entry fee
that the band has to pay for the contest. Checks should be made payable to Dondero
Band and Orchestra Boosters

The following is the tentative time schedule for Saturday:

9:00 - Rehearsal and Run Throughs
10:30- Lunch on your own, load truck
11:15- Leave for Durand
1:00 - Arrive at Durand, Unload buses, go to homeroom, change into uniforms
1:40 - Warm Up
2:10 - Report to gate
2:15 - Performance
2:30 - Go to homeroom to change
3:00 - Watch remaining Flight III and II performances
5:15 - Awards Ceremony for Flight III & II
5:45 - Dinner & Watch Flight I & IV performances
9:30 - Flight I & IV awards
9:45 - Clear out homeroom, load buses
10:00- Depart for home
11:45- Arrive back at Dondero

As has been done for over 20 years, we will all be staying for the entire competition. If
we have extremely cold weather, we will make a decision to come home earlier (cell
phones will be on hand!). If you would like to take your student home early, they will
need to send in a note with their permission slip.

As I'm sure you have noticed, your students have been improving each week and the
show is really starting to come together. I know they would all love to see your support
out in Durand, especially since they are the first band on in the entire show. Maps to
Durand are available in the band room.

See you Saturday

Tim Foreman
Director of Bands, Dondero HS

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